Is offline listening available?

Offline Listening

Long plane ride?  Camping without internet?  No problem!  Offline listening is available on both iOS and Android.  🤗

Here is what can be downloaded:

  • Any Passage of scripture (verse references searched, chapters of the Bible and books of the Bible)
  • Any Complete Playlist (in addition to just a playlist track)
  • Individual days from a listening plan
  • Any of our experiences (Dwell Daily Devotionals, Sleep, Prayer)

How do you download?

When listening, click the 3 dots at the top of your screen and select "Add to Downloads" from the drop down menu.  

👉 To download an entire book of the Bible, "long press" the reference and you'll see an option to download.

Please note: You will need to have access to wifi or data in order to download.  Once your downloads are saved you can access them offline. 

Can I read my downloaded content?  

Yes!  Read will work when offline, but Read Along will not...for now!  We are working on that feature as well. 

How to access your downloads.

On your homepage of the app, click the "Me" button in the bottom right hand corner.  Select "My Downloads" from the drop down list.  

Listen and Enjoy! 

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